
Hyperactive child

Parents should understand: competent recommendations on what kind of sedative can be given to children can only be provided by a specialist, and uncontrolled intake of drugs often leads to negative consequences. Before buying a sedative, you must carefully study the instructions for its use, paying special attention to side effects and possible contraindications. The correct approach to the choice of the drug and the implementation of tips for interacting with hyperactive children will help to correct the baby’s behavior, restore healthy sleep to him and facilitate the process of adaptation in the team. Hyperactivity concept In the 60s of the twentieth… Read More

Dysgraphia in children

If your child cannot write a simple sentence without mistakes, do not rush to accuse him of laziness and ignorance of the simplest grammatical rules. The reason may be dysgraphia , an ailment that, according to various statistics, occurs in about 12–20% of children. The task of parents and teachers is to identify the problem, determine the causes of dysgraphia in children and help cope with it, which is quite possible with the right approach. Dysgraphia is a persistent writing disorder not associated with a delay in intellectual development, caused by disorders of mental functions, in particular, unformed lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech.  A child with dysgraphia often… Read More

What to do if the child is in the hospital

All parents would like their children to grow up healthy and get sick as rarely as possible. However, not a single child is insured against diseases, and in some cases effective treatment is possible only in a hospital setting. In such a situation, it is in the power of the parents to make the forced stay of the baby outside the home more comfortable. Child from 0 to 2 years old For young children, the most important person is the mother, so it is important not to leave the baby without her in the hospital. To create a homely atmosphere in the ward,… Read More

Panic attacks in children

Panic attack (PA) is called an attack of panic or severe fear, which is accompanied by various autonomic symptoms. The appearance of PA can be caused by stress in children or by some provoking factor. When choosing a course of treatment, the doctor takes into account the symptoms of PA and concomitant diseases diagnosed in the child.   Symptoms Symptoms associated with anxiety panic or extreme fear; muscle tension; discomfort, discomfort, chest pain. Vegetative symptoms increased heart rate; a feeling of suffocation or lack of air; nausea; sweating; increased blood pressure; chills, shivering. Other symptoms dizziness; light-headedness; tinnitus; numbness, etc. Panic reasons In today’s world,… Read More

Tempering the child

Hardening is a complex of procedures aimed at strengthening immunity and increasing the body’s resistance to environmental influences. Parents should take special care in hardening their children. Remember two basic principles: consistency and consistency. Water-air procedures must be carried out daily so that the baby’s body gradually gets used to the low temperature. Hardening a child up to 3 years old Hardening can begin from the second month of the baby’s life. Every evening before bathing, place the baby on the changing table for an air bath and gently massage his back, abdomen and feet for 15 minutes. The temperature in the children’s room should… Read More

How to give medicine to a child

Every adult knows that it is quite difficult to get a child to drink a drug, especially if the drug has a bitter taste. In this case, the baby can cry, be capricious and resist. To avoid such problems when you need to take medication, to save time and to save your nerves, try to follow a few simple rules. Tell your baby about the need for treatment Before use, be sure to read the instructions, paying particular attention to contraindications and possible side effects. Try to tell your child in simple words why this medicine is needed, explain what diseases it helps. If… Read More

Frequently ill children

All children get respiratory infections from time to time, and a short cold will not cause much harm to the health of the child. However, if the baby falls ill more often 4-6 times a year and this is not associated with hereditary or congenital pathologies, parents need to consult a pediatrician. Causes of frequent morbidity in children Non-compliance with sanitary culture . If parents do not teach the child to basic hygiene rules, do not follow the baby’s diet, rarely walk with him and do not engage in his physical development, this negatively affects the child’s health. The presence of chronic diseases . The cause… Read More

Childhood autism

Many children at an early age find it difficult to communicate with strangers, but some babies have difficulty maintaining emotional contact with those closest to them – mom, dad, brothers and sisters. Autism is a possible cause. The causes of autism Autism is a complex disorder of the emotional and personal sphere of a child, the development mechanism of which has not yet been fully understood. According to various hypotheses, this disorder can be caused by mental trauma, insufficient development of the central nervous system, congenital or past disease (tuberous sclerosis, neuroinfections , etc.). According to modern medical research, autism can be provoked by all… Read More

About nootropic drugs for children

Nootropics are a special category of pharmacological drugs whose action is aimed at improving cognitive (brain) functions. The reception of these funds is primarily indicated for elderly people, as well as for children with various neurological and behavioral disorders. How safe are nootropic medicines for children, when can they help, and is there an alternative to them? The term ” nootropic ” appeared in 1972, literally translated from Greek, it means “change the mind.” Drugs that belong to the group of nootropics are prescribed in cases where there is a need to influence the central nervous system of a person in order to strengthen / improve mental functions. The main indications… Read More

Children’s health and school

According to the Ministry of Social and Health Development , 70% of first-graders are relatively healthy at the beginning of school, while almost half of adolescents who receive a matriculation certificate suffer from chronic diseases. It is clear from these statistics that the health of children in school often deteriorates. However, many diseases can be avoided if prevention is started in a timely manner and the child’s lifestyle changes. Why schoolchildren have poor health  Overwork From the very first days of school, kids may have not four, but five or six lessons. It takes at least 1.5 hours to complete homework in elementary and basic schools, and… Read More