Month: November 2021

Child hyperactivity, non-obvious reasons

From the author: In this article I talked about the atypical reasons for the appearance of hyperactivity and “disobedience”, of course, this does not exclude quite standard reasons, which can be found in numerous other sources.   For me, as a psychologist, there are several types of inquiries and work in consultations and therapy.Working at the first level of the request is working with the symptom itself, i.e. “Here is a child for you, he is naughty – treat him.”This is very superficial and ineffective. It’s like treating the pain of a splinter with pain pills, but isn’t it easier to remove the splinter?Work… Read More

Treatment of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children

  In everyone’s life, there have been situations in which it was necessary to sit still, maintain attention or control oneself, trying to remain calm. However, for some people it is such a pervasive and persistent problem that it interferes with every aspect of their life, both at home and in school, social environment and work.  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental neurological behavioral disorder that occurs on average in 10% of school-aged children. Symptoms persist into adulthood in more than three quarters of cases. ADHD is characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.  People with ADHD can be very… Read More

Autism, hyperactivity, mental retardation-diagnosis

A 5-year-old boy was brought to my appointment with a delay in neuropsychic development, an autism spectrum disorder. The parent’s request was that the child started encopresis (again). Mom explained that for a year and a half the child had been going to the potty on his own. And then it began again. I would like to note that in the first case it was not encopresis, but an unformed conditioned reflex. But when a child begins to get dirty in panties after a period of cleanliness, encopresis can be suspected.The psychologist at the reception always looks at the client’s facial expression, voice, posture, behavior… Read More

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Psychological help

     High physical activity, instability of attention and impulsivity are all characteristics of the normal development of a child. And the need for movement in it is inherent in nature itself. But there is a group of children with a sufficiently high such need, which reaches a pathological level. These children are called hyperactive or hyperactive.      Hyperactivity as one of the pathological manifestations is part of a whole complex of disorders that make up “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”, which includes disorders of the emotional regulation system.    The mood of hyperactive children is unstable, hot temper, aggressiveness is observed, this often leads to conflicts… Read More

Briefly about the biofeedback method and its application in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

From the author: Currently, special attention is paid to children with maladaptive forms of behavior, due, among other things, to insufficient formation of regulatory functions. Specific behavioral disorders characterized by increased motor activity (hyperactivity), attention disorders and impulsivity are combined into attention deficit disorder. The issues of organizing psychological and medical assistance to families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, focused on early and preschool age, are acquiring important practical significance today. Timely complex work significantly reduces or completely eliminates the risk factors leading to learning and education problems. BFB has established itself as a  Briefly about the method of biofeedback (BFB) and its application… Read More