About nootropic drugs for children

Nootropics are a special category of pharmacological drugs whose action is aimed at improving cognitive (brain) functions. The reception of these funds is primarily indicated for elderly people, as well as for children with various neurological and behavioral disorders. How safe are nootropic medicines for children, when can they help, and is there an alternative to them?

The term ” nootropic ” appeared in 1972, literally translated from Greek, it means “change the mind.” Drugs that belong to the group of nootropics are prescribed in cases where there is a need to influence the central nervous system of a person in order to strengthen / improve mental functions. The main indications for taking nootropic substances by young patients are:

  • lesions of the central nervous system (including during childbirth);
  • cerebral palsy;
  • mental retardation;
  • consequences of cerebrovascular accident;
  • epilepsy, etc.

But often nootropics are taken by completely healthy children, for example, schoolchildren and students, with the goal of improving memory and attention with the help of such stimulants.

How do nootropic drugs work?

The “family” of nootropics includes drugs of several pharmacological groups that have different mechanisms of action. Typically, these drugs improve the metabolism of nerve cells (neurons) and accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.

Consequences of taking nootropics

More than 50 years have passed since the first psychostimulants appeared . During this time, many experiments and studies have been carried out that have attested the positive properties of nootropics . So, taking drugs of this group helps to improve the blood supply to the brain and has a beneficial effect on the resistance of nerve cells to the effects of undesirable factors (including by stabilizing the cell membrane). Nootropics also have antioxidant effects.

At the same time, without detracting from all the advantages of nootropic drugs, it should be noted that the principle of action of these substances has not yet been fully studied, and there is also no official recognition of their effectiveness by authoritative medical organizations. Parents who buy nootropic drugs for children should be aware that they have a number of side effects, among which are:

  • headache;
  • irritability (typical for almost all psychostimulants );
  • feeling anxious;
  • drowsiness;
  • disorders of the digestive system (constipation, diarrhea, nausea);
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • psychopathological symptoms (disorders of memory, attention, emotions, movements);
  • allergic reactions.

It is also important that some nootropics are toxic and addictive. With all this in mind, parents should ask their doctor if there is something safer than nootropics for children who need behavior correction or support during periods of increased emotional and mental stress.

Nootropic drugs for children – is there an alternative?

The decision on the use of any pharmacological agents should be made by a specialist who determines the treatment regimen, based on the established diagnosis and the patient’s condition. In any case, the rule is “do no harm” – when choosing a particular drug, the doctor is obliged to determine the likely degree of harm and benefit to a person.

In pediatric practice, the drug Tenoten for children has proven itself well , which has not only a sedative, but also a mild nootropic effect, helps to increase the concentration of attention and improve the memory of the child. Specialists, along with its effectiveness, confirm the high safety profile of this product *.

The list of indications for the appointment of Tenoten for children is wide enough. It is designed to help young patients who suffer from neuroses, hyperexcitability, stress and sleep disorders. The drug has shown its effectiveness in those cases when children need medication in connection with the psychological stress caused by a busy school schedule and various stressful situations.

Unlike traditional nootropics , Tenoten for children does not have a direct psychotropic effect, therefore it is not addictive. When taking it, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy and other undesirable side effects are not observed. But in any case, the need for use and the duration of admission is determined by the doctor.

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