Hyperactive child

Parents should understand: competent recommendations on what kind of sedative can be given to children can only be provided by a specialist, and uncontrolled intake of drugs often leads to negative consequences. Before buying a sedative, you must carefully study the instructions for its use, paying special attention to side effects and possible contraindications. The correct approach to the choice of the drug and the implementation of tips for interacting with hyperactive children will help to correct the baby’s behavior, restore healthy sleep to him and facilitate the process of adaptation in the team.

Hyperactivity concept

In the 60s of the twentieth century, doctors called hyperactivity a pathological condition and attributed it to minimal disorders of brain function. In the 80s, excessive physical activity began to be attributed to independent diseases, calling it “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” (ADHD). When a child is hyperactive, signs of this appear in problems with concentration, memory and learning. The brain of such a child has difficulty processing information, external and internal stimuli. Hyperactive children are not able to stay focused for a long time, to control their actions and are characterized by restlessness, inattention and impulsivity.

ADHD symptoms

Typically, symptoms of ADHD in children begin to occur at the age of 2–3 years. However, in most cases, parents see a doctor when a child starts school and has learning problems that are a consequence of hyperactivity.

In a child, symptoms of hyperactive behavior are manifested as follows:

  • restlessness, fussiness, anxiety;
  • impulsivity, emotional instability, tearfulness;
  • ignoring the rules and norms of behavior;
  • having trouble sleeping;
  • delayed speech development, etc.

Each symptom is a reason for contacting a specialist who will tell you how to calm a hyperactive child, fight ADHD and help the child adapt to society.

Provoking factors

Complications of the course of pregnancy

If the expectant mother throughout pregnancy suffered from toxicosis and high blood pressure, and the baby was diagnosed with intrauterine asphyxia, then the risk of developing DVH syndrome increases at least 3 times.

Disruptions to the normal lifestyle of a pregnant woman

The development of the child’s nervous system is influenced by the lifestyle of the expectant mother. Harsh working conditions and bad habits, such as smoking, can negatively affect your baby’s health.

Complications of the course of labor

Prolonged or, conversely, rapid labor also increases the risk of developing DVH syndrome in children.

Diagnosis of hyperactivity syndrome in children

Suspecting such disorders in a child at any age, parents should definitely consult a neuropathologist for an examination, since sometimes a child’s hyperactive behavior is caused by another, more serious disease. Attention deficit disorder in children with hyperactivity is diagnosed in 3 stages.  

Collection of subjective information

The doctor collects a detailed family history and asks parents about the features of the course of pregnancy, childbirth and diseases suffered by the child, and also asks adults to characterize the baby. The specialist subjectively evaluates how the child behaves, based on the diagnostic criteria adopted by the American Psychiatric Association.

Conducting a psychological examination

The kid does special tests, according to the results of which the doctor measures the parameters of attentiveness. In such studies for the presence of hyperactivity, children can participate, starting from 5-6 years of age.

Hardware examination

To diagnose hyperactivity disorder in children, an electroencephalographic study or a study using magnetic resonance imaging is performed. The procedures are absolutely painless and safe. The presence of DVH syndrome and the need for further treatment of a hyperactive child are determined by the totality of the results obtained.

Hyperactive child at school

If a hyperactive child is in class, signs of ADHD may be inattention, restlessness, and a rapid loss of interest in the classroom. Such behavior of the child attracts the attention of the teacher, who tries to make a remark to the child, make him sit still and listen to the task. These children tend to have lower reading and writing skills than their peers, which leads to poor grades. The child cannot concentrate on his studies at school, he is reluctant to do his homework. Often, due to their impulsiveness and emotionality, hyperactive children do not adapt well in a team, it is difficult for them to find a common language with classmates. If your kid is having difficulties at school, ask a child psychologist for advice on how to conduct classes with hyperactive children at home, whether it is worth completing assignments together, how to teach your kid to persevere when working in the classroom, etc.

How to calm a child

If your child is overexcited, try to change the environment to a calmer one, for example, offer him water or take him to another room. If your toddler is upset, hug him, pat him on the head – this is beneficial, as physical contact is very important for children with ADHD. Taking a soothing bath before bed is a good treatment for hyperactivity in children. A set for preparing such a bath usually contains an extract of hop cones and conifers. Be sure to consult with your doctor before choosing this type of treatment. At night, read your favorite fairy tale to your child or watch an illustrated book together. Massage or light music can help your child fall asleep faster.

Tips for parents of hyperactive children – what to do

Hyperactive child – what to do? This question is asked by many parents. Only a doctor can prescribe a course of treatment. In the garden, a hyperactive child automatically falls under the supervision of a child psychologist. It is difficult to give specific recommendations on what kind of work to carry out with the baby, since everything depends on the characteristics of ADHD manifestation. Try to look closely at how the child responds to comments to find an effective solution to the problem. Work with hyperactive children should be carried out individually in each case. However, the specificity of the psychology of such babies makes it possible to give general recommendations that facilitate upbringing.

Formulate prohibitions correctly

When communicating with a child suffering from DVH syndrome, construct sentences so that there is no negation and the word “no”. For example, you shouldn’t say, “Don’t run on the grass!” Even when a conflict arises, try to remain calm. If you forbid a child to do something , be sure to explain the reason for this and suggest alternatives.

Set objectives clearly

Our inattentive hyperactive children are distinguished by poorly developed logical and abstract thinking, therefore, such a baby needs to identify tasks more clearly. When communicating and working in the classroom with a child, try to speak in the shortest possible sentences, without unnecessary semantic loads. Long language should be avoided.

Be consistent

The main characteristic of a hyperactive child is inattention. It is not recommended to give such children several assignments at once, for example, “put away the toy, wash your hands and sit down to dinner.” The child will hardly perceive all the information at once, he will probably be distracted by something else and will not do a single task. Therefore, when communicating and working with your baby, try to give them instructions in a logical sequence.

Control the time frame

Hyperactivity in children manifests itself in a poor sense of time, so you need to independently monitor the deadline before which the work must be completed. If you want to feed a child, pick up from a walk or put him to bed, be sure to warn him about this 5 minutes in advance.

Recommendations for parents of hyperactive children

Follow a daily routine

Adhering to a daily routine is essential to successfully raising a child with ADHD. Games, walks, resting, eating and going to bed should be done at the same time. If your toddler follows the rules, praise him for it. Healthy sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day is another way to help a hyperactive child become calmer. In addition, it is necessary to exclude food colors from the diet, reduce the consumption of chocolate, lemonade, spicy and salty foods.

Maintain a positive communication model

The child should be praised every time he deserves it, noting even minor success. Usually the kid ignores reproaches, but is quite sensitive to praise. A child’s relationship with adults should be based on trust, not fear. The kid needs to feel that you will always support him and help him cope with difficulties in the garden or school. Try to smooth out conflict situations in which your baby is involved.

Define the framework and criteria for behavior

Permissiveness is definitely not beneficial, so make a distinction between what is not allowed and what is possible for the baby. Come up with a sign or point reward system, for example, mark each good deed with an asterisk, and give your child a toy or sweets for a certain number of stars. You can keep a self-control diary and mark there with your baby his progress in the garden, school or at home.

Create a comfortable environment for your baby

Remember that defiant behavior in a hyperactive child is a way of getting attention. Give him more time, play with him, teach the rules of communication and behavior. If the kid misunderstood the instruction, do not get annoyed, but calmly repeat the task. Work should be done in appropriate conditions, for example, organize your baby’s corner. During class, nothing should distract your child, so remove unnecessary items from the table, photographs and posters from the walls. Be sure to protect your baby from overwork.

Create opportunities to waste excess energy

A child with ADHD can benefit from having a hobby. First of all, focus on his hobbies. If the baby is well versed in some area, it will give him self-confidence. It is great if the child is engaged in the sports section or visits the pool. Through physical exercise, especially in the fresh air, your baby will be able to release excess energy and, in addition, will learn discipline.

Should you take sedatives to treat hyperactivity in children?

If children are hyperactive, how to deal with it? When the baby becomes uncontrollable, adults are ready to take any step to get some rest from the noisy baby. But do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe an effective course of treatment. As a rule, such children are advised to take anti-anxiety drugs . The effect of such drugs for hyperactive children is aimed at normalizing sleep, reducing irritability, reducing anxiety, etc. The course of treatment is determined only after a comprehensive examination of the child. Any drug used as a sedative for hyperactive children is prescribed strictly individually. 

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