
Briefly about the biofeedback method and its application in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

From the author: Currently, special attention is paid to children with maladaptive forms of behavior, due, among other things, to insufficient formation of regulatory functions. Specific behavioral disorders characterized by increased motor activity (hyperactivity), attention disorders and impulsivity are combined into attention deficit disorder. The issues of organizing psychological and medical assistance to families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, focused on early and preschool age, are acquiring important practical significance today. Timely complex work significantly reduces or completely eliminates the risk factors leading to learning and education problems. BFB has established itself as a  Briefly about the method of biofeedback (BFB) and its application… Read More

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The term “attention deficit hyperactive child” was coined in 1980. However, until now, no one can say for sure – to what extent attention deficit disorder is the result of cerebral dysfunction, and to what extent – the result of improper upbringing and an incorrect psychological climate prevailing in the family. It makes sense for parents to show their child to a specialist if they notice the following features in his behavior: Inattention. Children are easily distracted, forgetful, and have difficulty concentrating and following instructions. They often lose school supplies and things. During the conversation, one gets the impression that they do not listen… Read More

Since birth, my son suffers from hyperactivity (diagnosis – MMD, GA with DV)

Question: Hello! Since birth, my son suffers from hyperactivity (diagnosis – MMD, GA with DV). He is 12 years old Inattention in everything, unwillingness to learn, deception, irritability when answering simple questions, unbalanced behavior with peers, disrespect for the female sex, renouncing one’s promises – this is an incomplete list of traits inherent in a guy. However, in addition to the negative traits, he is famous for the ability to tinker, eliminate defects in the PC, and help adults carry heavy burdens. My husband and I (48 years old and 38 years old) are tired of “struggling” with our son’s bad habits, and recently… Read More

Hyperactivity as a consequence of psychological trauma

60% of parents and teachers’ consultations with a psychologist are about hyperactive behavior of children. Some children are given hyperactivity (ADHD), others are not. When minimal brain dysfunction is excluded, hyperactivity is often a consequence of psychological trauma. And yes, this does not mean that the stressful situation happened once. It is often repeated, retraumatization and an increase in the symptom occur. How does this happen ?! Our body is cleverly designed – in a stressful situation, the basic instincts are triggered: fight or flight! For this, our body produces a huge amount of energy (I think you have heard a lot about… Read More

Hyperactivity in preschool children in theory and practice

I faced this problem exactly when I got a job as a psychologist in a kindergarten. At first, all the children seemed to me too active, due to the fact that I myself am phlegmatic by temperament, but then I learned to distinguish between pedagogical neglect and hyperactivity. Some children behaved actively and uncontrollably due to the peculiarities of family upbringing and the frequent change of caregiver, and some, even under the control of an experienced and rather strict educator, behave as if they have no self-control at all. Such children do not obey the rules, they do not seem to perceive them,… Read More

Hyperactivity is the evolution of human adaptation!

From the author: At the time of this writing, I wanted to make minimal use of academic and scientific character, but just follow professional logic and breathe a little metaphor into it. And most importantly, clarity, and with it the ability to take a fresh look at parents at their “overly” active children. Let’s imagine for a moment that the high activity of modern children is not a syndrome of a complex and multifaceted disease associated with various kinds of disorders in the central nervous system, but a certain stage in human evolution. After all, we have long been waiting for some… Read More

Hyperactivity is a cross or a gift from God

    A hyperactive child has a neurological status from birth. Most likely, the birth was of a pathological nature, for example, premature or rapid. In the future, the child develops neurological symptoms such as pulsation of the fontanelle, prolonged non-tightening of the cranial sutures, hypertonicity, constant regurgitation after feeding, standing on tiptoe, etc. But the plasticity of the brain structures, in childhood, is able to compensate for the missing connections and the child is removed from the register of the neuropathologist, and the parents are left with his behavioral characteristics.      Hyperactivity is more often characteristic of children with a choleric type of temperament, which… Read More

The child was diagnosed with ADHD, hyperactivity, autism, mental retardation

Often, for many parents, a diagnosis in the direction of his child sounds like a sentence and there are fewer reasons for joy. Let’s try to figure out how to relate to this:    1. Diagnoses are made by doctors, for example: neurologists, psychiatrists and neuropathologists and often make them on the first day of the child’s examination, I focus on the child’s behavior in the examination situation. That is why the diagnosis is often not true, because the child is looked at in a narrow situation, where he does not feel free and has not even adapted to the person and the… Read More

Hyperactivity and ADHD in a child. Correction with TDT

Childhood hyperactivity is a collection of symptoms associated with excessive mental and motor activity. This is a complex behavior disorder, manifested in inappropriate excessive motor activity, impaired concentration, inability to organize, purposeful activity. A little from the history of the issue In the middle of the 19th century, the German neuropsychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann was the first to describe an overly mobile child and gave him the nickname Fidget Phil. Since the 60s of the 20th century, doctors began to distinguish such a condition as pathological and called it minimal brain dysfunction (minimal disorder of brain function). Since the 80s of the twentieth century,… Read More

Child’s hyperactivity – diagnosis or spoiledness?

All parents have different assessments of the normal development of their children. For some, it is normal for a child to be quiet and calm, for others, a healthy child should run, jump and talk, and when he is quiet and calm, it means he is ill. There is no single criterion in this matter. First of all, it is worth remembering the temperament. A child is born with a certain temperament and the development of their baby depends on how parents react to what is laid down by nature. There are several classifications by temperament. 1.Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. 2. Sanguine, choleric… Read More