Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The term “attention deficit hyperactive child” was coined in 1980. However, until now, no one can say for sure – to what extent attention deficit disorder is the result of cerebral dysfunction, and to what extent – the result of improper upbringing and an incorrect psychological climate prevailing in the family.

It makes sense for parents to show their child to a specialist if they notice the following features in his behavior:

Inattention. Children are easily distracted, forgetful, and have difficulty concentrating and following instructions. They often lose school supplies and things. During the conversation, one gets the impression that they do not listen when they are told something.

HYPERACTIVITY. Children seem to be impatient, fussy, overly active. All the time on the move, in the classroom or in the kindergarten group, they tend to jump out of place at the wrong time.

IMPULSIVENESS. Very often in the classroom, children shout out the answers even before the teacher finishes the question; constantly interrupted, it is difficult for them to wait for their turn. They are unable to postpone the enjoyment. If they want something, they must get it immediately.

As a rule, when such a child is diagnosed with ADHD, parents feel some relief from the fact that they begin to understand exactly what is happening to their child and why he behaves this way. But, unfortunately, the main recommendation for parents of such children is: “Helping drowning people is the work of drowning people themselves” … First of all, parents need to understand that ADHD is a neurological diagnosis and requires supervision by a neurologist for several years.

Adults who surround a child with ADHD need to remember that their child has a tendency to low self-esteem, self-criticism and self-flagellation. Therefore, you need to constantly support him emotionally. However, do not confuse emotional support with permissiveness: the daily routine and discipline are necessary for such children.

Try to visit crowded places with your child as little as possible. Excess physical and emotional stress is best “dumped” on the swimming section or during evening walks with parents before going to bed. Communication with parents for such a child is very important, since they do not always adequately perceive parental love and they need more confidence in absolute parental love.

By adolescence, hyperactivity in children, as a rule, decreases or disappears altogether, however, impaired attention and impulsivity in many persists to one degree or another until adulthood.

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