Child’s hyperactivity – diagnosis or spoiledness?

All parents have different assessments of the normal development of their children. For some, it is normal for a child to be quiet and calm, for others, a healthy child should run, jump and talk, and when he is quiet and calm, it means he is ill. There is no single criterion in this matter.

First of all, it is worth remembering the temperament. A child is born with a certain temperament and the development of their baby depends on how parents react to what is laid down by nature.

There are several classifications by temperament.

1.Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.

2. Sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic. And phlegmatic people become melancholic when they are not accepted with all their peculiarities of thinking.

There is no pure temperament, but one of us predominates in each of us.

Based on temperament, it will be easier for parents to understand and accept their child.

If the child is mobile, if he runs back and forth, when you talk to acquaintances on the street, if he throws tantrums in the store, and you are busy choosing products, this is normal. This is a healthy, active child.

We can talk about hyperactivity when a child is constantly running, it is impossible to distract him, and in the garden and at a party he behaves the same way (shouts, runs) and he cannot be carried away even by the most interesting activity, he moves aimlessly. 

The self-control mechanism does not work for him, it is useless to punish.

Signs of hyperactivity:

1. The child is constantly moving, without a goal.

2. He does not know how to play quiet, calm games, just sit quietly, constantly fidgets in his chair.

3. Always focused on movement.

4. Very often talks incessantly.

Hyperactivity is often one of the three criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The other criteria for ADHD are impulsivity and inattention. 

Today we will focus on hyperactivity.

Signs of hyperactivity are detected at an early age (increased muscle tone, repeated vomiting, restless and short-term sleep, high sensitivity to external stimuli, clumsiness), but before entering kindergarten, parents do not notice them. 

Coming to the children’s team, the child is faced with the fact that there are general requirements, a regime, you need to eat, sit, play “on command.” But he can’t. Not that he doesn’t want to, but not able to. Punishments and persuasion do not help. 

The most important difference between such children is that they switch their attention from one subject to another faster than their peers, they cannot concentrate.

The life of such a child is complicated by entering school. Sitting for 40 minutes is torture, the child walks around the classroom during the lesson, or the whole lesson is worth it, because he cannot sit for so long.

Parents punish and persuade again.

A hyperactive child irritates the entire children’s collective, further manifestations of aggression on the part of “hyper” are possible . 

Often, aggression occurs much earlier and is a defensive reaction of a child who is so uncomfortable around people. They constantly demand something from him, read lectures, cite other children as an example, punish him.

Until the parents understand that their child needs psychological and neurological help, the situation will remain the same or will escalate even more (calling the director for a fight, revenge of classmates, expulsion from school)

Disappointing fact: according to statistics, 70 to 90% of hyperactive children are left alone with their problem. Such a child does not receive support either in the family or at school, because he does not look sick, but simply seems spoiled, ill-mannered and capricious.

We will not touch upon the medical methods of treating this problem, we will focus on psychological assistance to hyperactive children and their parents.

If you see that your child is hyperactive, be patient. Take care of your emotional relaxation. An angry, tired parent will not help, but will only exacerbate the problem.

Most important: reasonable rigor, kindness and patience. They have a low susceptibility to punishment and reprimands, but they respond very well to approval and praise.

Tactile contact is very important, a hyperactive child needs hugs and strokes much more than a child without this problem. 8-10 hugs a day, morning and evening hugs do not count. Don’t be afraid to spoil your child with affection.

Be sure to have your own room or corner, i.e. their territory, where the child will feel as protected as possible.

The biggest problem that parents themselves create: non-compliance with the daily routine. Overexcitation in any child is fraught with bad behavior and insufficient concentration of attention, and in a hyperactive child, a failure occurs in all areas. Regular non-compliance with the regime leads to chronic overexcitation, the child does not have time to recover. 

Be sure to reward for any activity related to concentration (coloring a picture, reading, solving a rebus)

Frequent appearance in crowded places is contraindicated: in markets, in large supermarkets. Wait until the child grows up and his psyche gets stronger, but for now it is fraught with overexcitation and uncontrollable behavior.

Walking in the fresh air, trips to nature, playing sports, but without severe fatigue, have a healing effect.

Orders must be replaced with requests, but without lisping and cursing.

Learn to divert your child’s attention with interesting, unexpected questions or requests, and provide a choice of activities. The ability to choose gives rise to responsibility and contributes to the formation of a holistic personality.

The most important thing is not to fight with the child, but to accept him as he is, to educate him by example, loving and caring.

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