
Hyperactive child (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a diagnosis that is increasingly found in the medical records of modern children. A hyperactive child is difficult to adapt in society, does not absorb information well, starts talking late, and at school is characterized by restlessness and low academic performance. Risk factors. Manifestations of ADHD in a child in early childhood are the result of many factors. Among them: ◾ ️heredity; ◾ ️ heavy or premature birth; ◾ ️ endocrine diseases of the mother; ◾ ️ intrauterine infection of the fetus; ◾ ️bad habits of the mother and poor environmental conditions (including the… Read More

Hyperactive child and sports

I want to clarify right away that we will not just talk about “nimble” children, but about those for whom hyperactivity is indeed a medical problem, a diagnosis established by a doctor. It is now believed that the basis of hyperactivity is the so-called minimal brain dysfunction. Among the main manifestations of hyperactivity are usually impulsiveness, increased motor activity, which is often also accompanied by a deficit in the development of attention. Such a child can move, run and jump almost non-stop; sitting in one place is an impossible task for him. It is difficult for a hyperactive child to… Read More

How can a teacher approach a hyperactive child?

The responsibility for the mood in which the child comes to school lies, first of all, with the parents. If a hyperactive child was shouted at at home or he spent the day watching TV, slept little, attended school irregularly, then this will undoubtedly affect his behavior in the classroom and the learning process in the form of tantrums and refusal to study. However, this does not mean that teachers should give up on such a child, saying, “if the parents can’t, then we are even more so.” 8 ways to make it easier for educators to interact with a… Read More

How can parents calm a hyperactive child?

Often, parents and teachers consider hyperactive just an active child who is spinning in the classroom, noisy and restless. What signs will help identify a truly hyperactive child? Almost always, hyperactivity is accompanied by mental retardation (it is difficult for a child to master the educational program of his age, therefore, basically, such children study according to an adapted basic educational program (AEP) for children with mental retardation (at least until the end of primary school (grades 1-4) The intellect of such a child may be much higher than the intellect of his peers, but in certain, narrow areas.For example,… Read More

Hyperactivity syndrome – the conclusion of specialists or the use of a buzzword by all and sundry

Once again I hear: “We were told that the child has hyperactivity. I read on the Internet – horror! Help, what should we do!?” Throughout my work in kindergarten, then in private practice, I have repeatedly encountered incorrect use of the concept of “hyperactivity”. Each “superficial” specialist likes to use unfamiliar, foreign words, thereby raising his authority and self-esteem. But the word “not a sparrow” will fly out and may turn into a completely different side to you. So it was at the pedagogical council, when the deputy head used this term for no reason. In response, I received an… Read More

Hyperactive child: how to make homework easier?

Hyperactive child how to make homework easier The difficult third quarter has begun, and more and more parents who are in varying degrees of brutality from the process of doing homework with their child are contacting me. Unfortunately, lessons are rarely enjoyable for both children and their parents. What if the child is hyperactive? With difficulty concentrating? Parents of such a child usually find it even more difficult to cope with the rigors of doing homework, especially if the child is overexcited, frustrated or too tired. Hyperactive children, in principle, find it difficult to organize their activities and their environment,… Read More

Hyperactivity is a diagnosis or disorder of parenting style

If your child is hyperactive In the syndrome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, treatment of only the child is probably not worth it. After all, no matter how much a specialist works with a baby, if you do not change the situation, the world around you, the result will still not be achieved. That is why modern medicine for the rehabilitation of children with ADHD provides for mandatory family psychotherapy, during the sessions of which parents begin to understand that the health of their child largely depends on the kind, calm and consistent attitude of adults towards him. Parents are… Read More

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a condition that causes hyperactivity, impulsivity, and persistent inattention. This syndrome manifests itself in childhood and may persist into adulthood. In children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common mental disorders. Up to 5% of children suffer from it, and boys are 3 times more likely than girls. The symptoms of ADHD vary from patient to patient, and they all have difficulty with activity control, restraint, and attention. When activity is normal, they talk about attention deficit disorder. Both impulsivity and hyperactivity decrease with age. Children with ADHD often have problems… Read More

Hyperactivity myth or reality?

Activity is the motto of wildlife, move faster so that you don’t get eaten, move even faster so that you have a chance to dine. You raise your eyes, the birds fly – they rush after midges, they build nests; lower your eyes, ants scurry under your feet – like the Chinese at a construction site, everything is so interesting, you want to find out everything quickly, participate in everything and, of course, talk about it: “ Ma ! …”, – just captures the spirit, so you want to tell faster. And my mother answered: “Wait! Leave me alone! Once!”… Read More

Hyperactivity – how to deal with it

It is well known, and not only to doctors, that physical education strengthens a person’s health, and often even relieves him of various diseases. Physical exercises improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolism, strengthen muscles and tissues, increase oxygen metabolism, remove toxins, relieve muscle fatigue, and saturate a person with additional energy. But what about children who have or are suspected (at an early age) of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? After all, they are already moving beyond measure. Will additional physical activity become a “heavy burden” for them? Studies of domestic and foreign experts show that… Read More