A hyperactive child at school: what to do?

When a hyperactive child is brought up in a family, a special attitude should be formed towards him. If parents and teachers do not follow the rules for communicating with such children and raise them without relying on the recommendations of a psychologist, then children may face difficult difficulties. Here are some of them:   

  • reputation as a poor student and a bully;
  • conflicts with friends, neighbors, family members;
  • condemnation from others;
  • low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority;

In addition, if it is wrong to bring up a hyperactive child, try to remake him, achieve obedience at all costs, limit, punish, then he will soon begin to feel very strong psychological discomfort. A hyperactive child has a lot of irrepressible energy, and if you scold him for it, instead of directing him in the right direction, his life will turn into a constant struggle, where adults fight to make him different – calmer, obedient, agreeable, reasonable , and the child at this time experiences strong contradictory feelings. They are manifested in the fact that, on the one hand, he wants to please his parents, and on the other hand, he does not understand what is happening to him and does not know how to manage his behavior. If, in the presence of a diagnosis of “hyperactivity”, do not seek help from a psychologist, the child may develop a serious intrapersonal conflict. Everyone will suffer from its manifestation – the child, parents, teachers, other family members.

Active and hyperactive children

Before talking about how to help children with hyperactivity, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “active” and “hyperactive child”. Active children do not sit still and this is normal. They can run, jump, make noise and even inconvenience adults with their behavior. However, this behavior is not abnormal, because being active and inquisitive is the normal nature of a child.

Sometimes the mother, father and even teachers call too cheerful and playful children hyperactive, and this is not fair. Hyperactivity is not just a quality of character or behavior, it is a diagnosis that can only be made by a specialist. Usually, children with an overly mobile psyche can be seen from birth – they can cry a lot, are restless, cry at night, and often feel physical discomfort. When a hyperactive child grows up, his activity increases with him. It takes the form of anxiety, inattention, lack of control. It is difficult for such a child to communicate not only with adults, because he does not follow the rules, does not respect boundaries, but also to be in harmony with himself. Hyperactive children have a lot of energy and often do not know how to properly manage it. At the same time, they can be curious and intelligent, have an increased interest in the things and phenomena around them.  

However, they have not developed the ability to control the desire to know the world. Therefore, they often take on several tasks at once, which they find it difficult to bring to the end. Parents need to know that only a doctor can call a child hyperactive, when he conducts an appropriate examination and makes an accurate diagnosis. In other cases, excessive child activity is considered a behavioral feature.

School adaptation

A hyperactive child may have difficulties in school. Most often they manifest themselves in communication with a teacher, peers, learning problems. In order to make it easier for the child to adapt to school, parents should take care of this in advance. First of all, they must accept the fact that their child is special, not like everyone else and educate him based on the qualities of character and behavior.

Compliance and Regime

What can parents do to make their child feel good at school and be treated objectively and impartially? First of all, it is important to inform the teacher about the diagnosis. It is also useful for a school psychologist to know about the personality traits of a student. Together, parents and teachers will be able to ensure that the adaptation to learning will be successful: he will be able to learn new knowledge, understand the material correctly, make friends with classmates, and feel good in a team.

To do this, parents must ensure that he is accustomed to the rules of the order and regime even before entering school. These include: eating healthy, keeping to a good sleep schedule, planning activities, and scheduling time to help you use your energy. Children still need to be taught at home to finish every job they start. This ability will help them do well in school. 

Relations with parents

Hyperactive children really need the atmosphere around them in the family to be as happy as possible. This means that the mother and father should minimize conflicts, try to do so that the child does not become a witness to them, does not become upset and upset once again. As far as parenting is concerned, physical punishment is something that should be excluded in the family. By being in a supportive environment at home and at school, children will have the opportunity to feel calmer, contented, joyful and happy.

Raising a child in a family

In addition to the fact that a hyperactive child is distinguished by inattention and restlessness, there is carelessness in his character. This means that he is unfamiliar with the feeling of fear and security. Parents should be aware of this if children go to and from school on their own or are alone at home. The mother and father must teach the child how to follow the rules that will help him keep his life and health. They must learn how to correctly and accurately cross the road, not to communicate with strangers. If the student is still small, it is better to hide dangerous objects in the house away so that it does not occur to him to use them when he is alone.

What to do with the child’s energy?

Hyperactive babies are naturally energetic. The task of the parents is to find a use for it. When a child is busy with something that is interesting to him, then his attentiveness and perseverance are better controlled. Therefore, it is good if children engage in sports sections, attend competitions, go hiking, express themselves in creative pursuits, experiment, tinker with their hands, run and play in the yard with friends, walk the dog, learn to ride snowboards, bicycles or rollerblades and will lead an active and varied lifestyle.

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