The hyperactivity of modern children is no longer nonsense. Many parents face the challenges of raising a hyperactive child. Of course, I agree that there is no reason to panic: with age, the nervous system is balanced. But such a child needs special attention and understanding from adults. It is very difficult and sometimes simply unbearably difficult for parents to cope with a restless child. How to help your child? Sometimes children need to be given the opportunity to throw out energy, but, because. Excitation easily turns into overexcitation; it is difficult for the child to stop. Here you need… Read More
Hyperactivity in primary school age
School really hurt me. Some teachers sincerely tried to help me, others decided to leave me as I am, demanding little, expecting even less and hoping for my good behavior in the classroom. All my childhood heard the same thing from them: “Yan, calm down” or “Remember, Jan, you’re only making things worse for yourself.” The teachers didn’t understand what I never wanted to do worse, but did not know how to calm down. From the memories of a hyperactive child Almost all hyperactive children face similar problems. No one can cope with them: neither parents, nor teachers, nor themselves.… Read More
Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity. New approaches
In recent decades, educators, teachers and parents have been forced to pay special attention to children with excessive activity, often combined with various disorders of attention, behavior, problems in relationships with peers and adults. These are children suffering from ADHD – attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, have specific behavioral and attention disorders. At the same time, the majority of children at risk of ADHD have good intellectual potential, as evidenced by the results of special studies. Inability to learn, lack of normal communication skills with peers and adults, high aggressiveness and low assessment of the results of their… Read More
Manifestations and features of the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
The most common behavioral disorder in childhood is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. According to foreign and domestic studies, the frequency of ADHD among children of preschool and school age reaches 4.0 – 9.5% (according to other sources from 2 to 18%), while ADHD prevails among boys, and the ratio of boys and girls averages 5:1. Currently, there is a trend towards overdiagnosis of this disease. Violations of behavior and attention may be due to the consequences of traumatic brain injuries or neuroinfections , somatic diseases, emotional disorders that manifested themselves as a reaction to a stressful situation, spoiledness, and temperament.… Read More
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD ADHD Help for Parents
In recent years, there have been heated discussions around a mental disorder called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADHD). This disorder is usually diagnosed in childhood. It is very difficult for such children to maintain concentration for a long time, they absolutely cannot sit still; they are constantly on the move, impulsive and overactive. Unfortunately, more and more children are being diagnosed with ADHD, and many of them are on drugs that increase the activity of the dopamine neurotransmitter. This helps the child to be ready for work, more attentive and focused, and therefore more able to consistently complete tasks.… Read More
Hyperactivity in children – a sentence or a temporary phenomenon?
There are a lot of contradictions in the views on the causes, occurrence and treatment of hyperactivity in children. However, it is clear to everyone how such behavior manifests itself. It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit in one place for a long time, he is fussy, moves a lot, turns around, is distracted, sometimes very talkative, can irritate adults and children with his behavior. He is often aggressive, assertive, provokes conflicts, disputes and even fights, has poor control over his impulses, and is impulsive. These children often have impaired coordination, they are like a “elephant in a… Read More