Hyperactivity in children – a sentence or a temporary phenomenon?

There are a lot of contradictions in the views on the causes, occurrence and treatment of hyperactivity in children. However, it is clear to everyone how such behavior manifests itself.

It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit in one place for a long time, he is fussy, moves a lot, turns around, is distracted, sometimes very talkative, can irritate adults and children with his behavior.

He is often aggressive, assertive, provokes conflicts, disputes and even fights, has poor control over his impulses, and is impulsive.

These children often have impaired coordination, they are like a “elephant in a china shop”. Often there are problems with muscle control. Such a child is clumsy, breaks things, spills and scatters, does not fit into the door.

It is difficult for the child to concentrate his attention, he is easily distracted, often asks a lot of questions, but rarely waits for answers.

Such children cause a lot of inconvenience and cause a lot of negative emotions in parents, teachers, etc.

External manifestations of hyperactivity include inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, increased motor activity.

Often hyperactivity is accompanied by problems in relationships with others, learning difficulties, low self-esteem.

At the same time, oddly enough, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm.

Very often, good athletes, inventors, businessmen, musicians grow up from hyperactive children.

The first manifestations of hyperactivity are observed before the age of 7 years and are more common in boys than in girls.

Over time, hyperactivity disappears with a proper attitude towards the child and understanding of the peculiarities of his temperament.

Of course, certain exercises, activities, games are needed to concentrate the child’s attention, perseverance, develop the ability to control oneself, navigate in different situations, be able to engage in activities in time and slow down when required .

Such a child needs a strict daily routine with alternating physical activity, rest and intellectual pursuits.

It is imperative to warn educators and teachers about the characteristics of your child and maintain contact with them.

Social communication skills are also required. The child must understand what feelings his behavior causes in other people.

Neurocorrection (classes with a neuropsychologist) copes very well with hyperactivity , which should take place 1-2 times a week for a long time.

As well as classes with a child psychologist, where the child will better learn to understand himself, his emotions, feelings, communicate with other children and adults, understand the boundaries of his body and the boundaries in relationships with people, and many others .

Personally, I do not consider hyperactivity a sentence. I treat such children as peculiarities of a child’s development.

It is quite possible to cope with hyperactivity, having the desire and patience on the part of parents and teachers. And your ” hyperactive ” will please you with its achievements!

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