Attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity. New approaches

In recent decades, educators, teachers and parents have been forced to pay special attention to children with excessive activity, often combined with various disorders of attention, behavior, problems in relationships with peers and adults. These are children suffering from ADHD – attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, have specific behavioral and attention disorders. At the same time, the majority of children at risk of ADHD have good intellectual potential, as evidenced by the results of special studies.

Inability to learn, lack of normal communication skills with peers and adults, high aggressiveness and low assessment of the results of their activities by significant relatives lead to the fact that children suffering from attention deficit disorder and concomitant conduct disorder in the form of defiant opposition constantly experience mental discomfort. In the absence of adequate correction, such a child may develop a more destructive conduct disorder, which already has a distinct antisocial character. In the event that conduct disorder cannot be controlled, especially in adolescence, a personality disorder of an antisocial nature may form. Individuals with conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder spend some part of their lives in prison.

The symptoms described above are often combined with anxiety-depressive affective disorders.

Attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD / HD-syndrome), according to different authors, affects up to 20% of children and adolescents. They are unable to focus their attention on various tasks for a long time and, until recently, either remained untreated or used psychotropic drugs, stimulants such as Ritalin , or anticonvulsant drugs. However, it should be noted that the effect of treatment with psychotropic drugs and stimulants is unstable, it is necessary to take them for years, all of them have pronounced side effects and form drug dependence.

For many years, the cause of ADD / HD syndrome was considered to be poor parenting, the “spoilage” of the child, but in the mid-90s it was found that in most cases the cause of the disease is a decrease in the intensity of cerebral blood flow and a drop in dopamine levels in the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex , especially when performing an intellectual task: the more the patient tries to concentrate, the more significantly the cortical metabolism suffers. Even if the child really wants to cope with the task, he is not able to do it.

According to electroencephalographic mapping in patients with attention deficit disorder, an increase in theta activity and a sharp decrease in beta activity in the cortical and subcortical regions of the frontal lobes are recorded.


Electroencephalographic BETA-stimulating training, designed to correct attention deficit disorder, is based on adaptive electroencephalographic biofeedback – a universal central adaptive mechanism.

Included in the biofeedback circuit through a computer, the child learns the skills of active modification of the bioelectrical activity of certain brain structures that regulate behavior. A steady shift towards the predominance of the beta rhythm in the EEG provides a therapeutic effect.

Mental abilities are significantly improved.

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