How to deal with a hyperactive child?

A hyperactive child is characterized by restlessness, scattered attention, and behavioral disorders. It is difficult to say exactly what reasons provoke the appearance of this diagnosis in children. Experts say that pathologies during pregnancy, an unfavorable ecological environment, and infectious diseases, injuries at birth, or injuries suffered in early childhood can contribute to its appearance .  

A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is impulsive, often distracted, it is difficult for him to do something for a certain time, because of which he gets problems in learning and interaction with other people – parents, peers, teachers. These behavioral manifestations occur at the age of 3 to 5 years and often require not only psychological correction, but also drug support. In this article, you can get tips and advice on how to distinguish hyperactivity in a child from simple physical activity, how to communicate with a little fidget, and teach him. Exercises and games will also be considered that contribute to the establishment of an emotional background and relaxation.

A hyperactive or just an active child?

Educators and teachers like to “put” this diagnosis to children, when a child who differs from others in increased activity gets into their team. Why are they doing this? Because communication with such a child and attempts to teach him something is energy – intensive – an adult has to be distracted by a restless child more often than by everyone else, he causes comments and discontent of teachers in his address. However, increased mobility does not mean that the child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Being active and grabbing onto several things at once, quickly losing interest in something that does not cause strong emotions is characteristic of almost all preschool children. Only a specialist – a neurologist or a neuropathologist – can say that a child has hyperactivity, after a special examination and analysis, a detailed study of the history of the child’s development. Therefore, before treating children for a “disease”, parents themselves must understand which behavioral symptoms indicate hyperactivity and which do not.

An active, healthy child who does not suffer from attention deficit disorder is different:

  • mobility;
  • demands something immediately;
  • during interest is able to hold attention for a long time;
  • speaks a lot and quickly;
  • grows by “why”;
  • abruptly “switches” from activity to calmness;
  • does not differ in aggressiveness.

A child diagnosed with ADHD:

  • does not know how to control his feelings;
  • may fall into “unreasonable” tantrums;
  • has a confused, incomprehensible speech;
  • does not accept refusals, criticism;
  • unable to respect other people’s boundaries;
  • naughty, aggressive, difficult to control and manage.

Recommendations for parents

Adults who are raising a hyperactive toddler, caregivers and teachers who come into contact with him can face serious difficulties. What can parents do to make it easier to deal with a difficult child?

  • Seek advice from specialists – a psychologist, a neurologist;
  • accept the child as he is and not try to put pressure on him in order to re-educate him;
  • to introduce him to sports – physical activity contributes to the release of energy and the ordering of movements;
  • find an activity in which the child will have a sincere interest;
  • to provide conditions for upbringing and communication in the family without emotional outbursts, irritation, conflicts, aggression;
  • Allow hyperactive children to express energy when there is too much energy.
  • do not punish too harshly, do not manipulate, do not intimidate, do not use physical violence;
  • do not restrict the movement of children who express themselves through activity – this increases the risk of developing psychological trauma, and the child will feel even worse.

From the manifestation of such a diagnosis, not only parents and other adults who come into contact with the child suffer, but also the children themselves . They take their own tantrums hard, get very tired of increased activity, their brains are constantly overloaded with information that they do not have time to process and assimilate. 

It is possible to alleviate the condition not only with the help of medications, but also exercises that can be performed at home.

  • Ball games. Large fitness balls with a smooth surface or “massage thorns” can not only attract the baby’s attention for a long time, but also help to learn to better feel your body. It is good if there are one or two such balls in the children’s room. The child can perform various exercises with them – rolling, swinging, jumping, lying on his stomach or on his back.
  • Logic games. Parents can invite the child to play a game every evening, during which one has to think, compare, generalize, highlight. Let it take the child’s attention for a short time, but it will teach him to train mental activity.
  • Imagination games. You can use any exercises that include activation of fantasy, relaxation, meditation. You can ask the child to lie down or sit down, close his eyes, imagine that he is on the ocean shore, in space, in a magic meadow, in front of a waterfall, and so on. While he is lying with his eyes closed, parents can read any text describing nature, sounds, animals – the main thing is that children’s attention is kept as long as possible. After several such exercises, the ability of children to control themselves and their feelings can significantly increase.

Parent support

Sometimes it is difficult for parents to accept a child with such a diagnosis. Most often, they get upset and angry with him when they increasingly have to hear from kindergarten or school teachers about the inappropriate behavior of their son or daughter. How can adults support themselves during this time? After all, his self-awareness and interaction with others largely depend on what the mother and father think about the child.  

  • Children with ADHD are often very talented and have good creative thinking. If you develop natural abilities in them, then future merits will be an excellent reason for pride.
  • The child is able to think from different angles, often his type of thinking is non-standard.
  • With cheerful and unpredictable activists – which such children often grow up – it is never boring in the company.  
  • A hyperactive child is able to demonstrate extraordinary talent – you just need to motivate him well for activity.

A child’s talents, regardless of diagnoses, tend to develop. Parents should notice in time the prerequisites and abilities for them, so that the child can do what he loves and be in his place in life.

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