With neurological control in sports, two tasks are solved: 1) assessment of the health status of athletes; 2) determination of the functional state of the nervous system of athletes as one of the components of fitness. The solution of these two problems is important, first of all, when admitting to practicing a certain sport. No less significant is the establishment of the conformity of the used physical loads with the functional capabilities of athletes. In this regard, the neurological assessment of the athlete’s condition at each specific stage of training helps the coach determine the level of training requirements (volume… Read More
Psychobiological correction of attention in children with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity
According to statistics, the percentage of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschool institutions and schools is increasing every year. The main manifestations are a lack of active attention, impulsivity and increased motor activity. Hyperactivity is based on minimal brain dysfunction (MBD). As emphasized by Zakharov A.I. ), MMD is accompanied by behavioral manifestations: increased excitability; restlessness; dispersion; disinhibition; lack of restraining principles; feelings of guilt and anxiety. They say about such children that they are without “brakes”. Sometimes hyperactivity is also accompanied by outbreaks of aggression caused by the constant dissatisfaction of others and a huge amount… Read More
G-hyperactivity. ADHD
Dictionary of children’s emotions and states G- Hyperactivity. Symptoms are excessive energy and mobility of the child and is often caused by a violation of attention. The term ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention deficit means that it is difficult for a child to focus on anything . In my opinion, the diagnosis of Hyperactivity is more logical for parents who begin to “develop” the child from the cradle. Now this is a very fashionable trend, and a parent who does not take a child to ” educators ” is considered at least strange. Fearing to miss something… Read More
Enuresis, tics, stuttering, hyperactivity, school failure. What to do?
Consultative-diagnostic and psycho -correctional assistance to children with social functioning disorders (tics, enuresis, stuttering) Guidelines Methodological recommendations were approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “GNTSSSP im. V.P. Serbian” of the Ministry of Health of Russia on December 7, 2012, Protocol No. 11. Reviewers: N.V. Simashkova – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department for the Study of Child Psychiatry Problems with the Child Autism Research Group of the Scientific Center for Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; E.V. Koren is a Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the… Read More
About hyperactivity and what to do about it
Today, preschoolers and schoolchildren are often diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). At the same time, some experts are sure that there are genetic and physiological causes of ADHD, while others consider this syndrome a myth. “Hyperactivity is not a disease,” writes psychiatrist Sidney Walker. “This is a criminal fabrication by doctors who have no idea what is really happening with children.” Strong statement, right? At the same time, American doctors mostly prescribe medications for children diagnosed with ADHD. Our specialists prefer non-drug methods of working with hyperactive babies, believing that drugs can suppress a child’s excitability, but not… Read More