About hyperactivity and what to do about it

Today, preschoolers and schoolchildren are often diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

At the same time, some experts are sure that there are genetic and physiological causes of ADHD, while others consider this syndrome a myth. “Hyperactivity is not a disease,” writes psychiatrist Sidney Walker. “This is a criminal fabrication by doctors who have no idea what is really happening with children.” Strong statement, right?

At the same time, American doctors mostly prescribe medications for children diagnosed with ADHD. Our specialists prefer non-drug methods of working with hyperactive babies, believing that drugs can suppress a child’s excitability, but not eliminate its cause.

I will not go into the subtleties of disputes between American and Russian colleagues, educators, psychologists and psychiatrists. Children with attention and volitional problems do exist. And whatever we call them, their problems are absolutely real and need to be corrected.

First of all, you need to understand what is the difference between ordinary restlessness and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Inattentive child:

Often unable to pay attention to details. Due to negligence, he makes mistakes when performing tasks in various activities.

Often it seems that the child does not listen to the speech addressed to him.

Experiencing difficulties in organizing independent tasks or organizing certain types of activities.

Tries to avoid involvement in activities that require prolonged mental exertion (such as during class or while doing household chores).

Often loses things needed in kindergarten (school) and at home (eg toys, pencils, books).

Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Shows forgetfulness in everyday situations.

Hyperactive child:

Constantly spinning and spinning. Restless movements in the hands and feet are characteristic.

Often gets up during class or in other situations where it is necessary to stay still.

Shows aimless motor activity, runs, spins, tries to climb somewhere, and in situations where such behavior is unacceptable.

Cannot play quietly, calmly, or do anything at leisure.

Is in constant motion (“as if wound up”).

Often talkative.

impulsive child:

Answers questions without thinking, without listening to them to the end.

With difficulty waiting for his turn in various situations.

Often interferes with others, sticks to others (for example, interferes in conversations and games).

It is easy to see that all these characteristics separately occur in completely normal, healthy and “non- problem ” children. To be diagnosed with ADHD, six or more of the following symptoms must be present, which persist for at least six months in a child and are observed in different social settings (for example, both at home and in kindergarten). If this picture is typical for your child, then it is best to contact a specialist.

If your baby is simply inattentive and disorganized , then you can try to deal with the problem on your own.

Above all, try to make the child your ally. The strategy depends on age and personal characteristics. Sometimes it is enough to have a serious talk with the baby and explain that the inability to concentrate can greatly interfere with him (or is already preventing him). Sometimes it’s worth presenting everything in the form of a competition game: “Let’s try to play one interesting game!”. The point is that the child himself wanted to change and made efforts for this.

Develop a joint action plan. Start small – let the child do some things on his own every day (for example, clean up toys or set the table). The results should be recorded – for example, sticking stickers on a special “List of Achievements” in case of successfully completed actions. Very soon, the baby himself will begin to count the number of “awards” and will strive to receive them. The desire to be better is laid down from early childhood, and even a slight success stimulates further movement forward.

Games and exercises will also help develop arbitrariness.

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