What to do with a child’s hyperactivity

The birth of a child is happiness, and if a healthy child is also born, then happiness is doubled. Overwhelmed with feelings, dreams and expectations, mom takes a breath in the maternity hospital before a life-long marathon.

The first year of life flies by on trips to the clinic: weighing, measuring height, visiting specialists and getting vaccinated on time. All attention is on physiological development: healthy sleep, good appetite, the appearance and extinction of reflexes and the stability of the immune system. In other words , a healthy mind in a healthy body. And who would have thought that already from the cradle it is necessary to begin the prevention of hyperactivity, in order to maintain a healthy spirit for both the child and parents.

As a rule, parents address behavioral problems already at school age, when the child begins to study poorly or teachers begin to reduce grades due to behavior. And if your child is an accelerator and poses a threat because of his impulsive and clumsy movements or is objectionable to the teacher because of systematic violations of discipline, then the parents of the class students are connected to the artillery. This is truly a war not for life, but for death, persecution begins, as in the Middle Ages, both on the child and on the parents. Often at a reception with a similar situation, you see mothers in complete despair, they move from the category of a happy mother into a victim of a difficult fate. In such cases, it is not worth fighting, sometimes it is enough just to move to another school, especially if the child is a good student. It is only necessary to properly prepare him for the transfer to another school. But ideally, it is more effective to seek help from a specialist to prevent social maladaptation.

The thought processes of this category of children differ from other children, they think as if on the go and more often after an incident. Impulsivity is the main feature of a given personality , retaining for almost a lifetime and intensifying during critical periods of life. This is achieved by acquiring a different experience, that is, learning socially approved behavior, and the child, with his speed of thinking, which he shows in the process of interaction (in action, in non-action, the head is not burdened with thoughts, but only with desires) applies it according to internal settings and mirroring the interlocutor (As you are with him, so is he with you). Parents need to take this for granted and not fight with the shortcomings of the child, but try to minimize them.

First of all, it must be remembered that these children react sharply to refusal, they live by desires and the word no will cause a violent reaction. All refusals must begin with consent and continue with explanations of why you cannot satisfy his request in full. But we need to distinguish between three types of hyperactivity: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit without hyperactivity disorder, and non-attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. That is, hyperactivity due to organic brain damage and hyperactivity due to pedagogical neglect.

Hyperactive boys with attention deficit are easy for psychologists to identify when diagnosing attention and draw the attention of parents to this. The situation is more difficult with girls who have hyperactivity without attention deficit. They are characterized by excessive daydreaming and sometimes do not create any particular inconvenience. But girls also differ in that in a familiar environment , they resort to non-traditional ways of doing homework to complete the task . It is easier for them to learn while standing on their heads, walking along the road to a circle or to training, writing on the floor on their knees. And this becomes an occasion for constant pulling and notations. At school, it is difficult for them to wait in line when they are asked, they shout from their seats if they know the correct answer and quickly lose interest if they are not asked, transferring negative emotions to the entire educational process.

If hyperactivity occurs against the background of minor brain dysfunction, then medication is needed, observation by a neurologist, psychocorrection of attention and social adaptation programs for the child, and most importantly, include parents in a support group (to relieve anxiety, increase self-esteem, instill parental confidence and to exchange experience with parents who have already found a way to overcome difficulties). If hyperactivity is the result of improper upbringing, then it is necessary to eliminate the educational gaps of parents, which are revealed in the diagnosis of “Parental Education Styles” and to teach the communicative competence of both parents and the child. Effective parent-child relationship training.

Dear mothers, if your baby has the symptoms listed below, then you should not panic or hide in the “shell”, but consult a psychologist and select the appropriate program for the development of your baby and then you will be able to bypass at least some of the hardships described in the article “Hyperactivity Is it a cross or a gift from God?


Early development of psychomotor. A hyperactive child quickly learns to roll over, sit up, crawl, stand up and perform other complex movements and actions. The grasping reflex also develops rapidly.

Clumsiness. Despite good mobility and psychomotor abilities, the child moves awkwardly, there is also a violation of coordination.

Repetitive compulsive movements. With hyperactivity, such actions are characteristic: dangling legs, stepping in one place, walking leg by leg.

Sleep disorders. The baby sleeps badly and restlessly, often wakes up.

Constant crying. A baby may start crying suddenly and stop abruptly as well, but this happens in the form of regular attacks.

Reluctance to go to bed. A hyperactive child is very difficult to put to sleep, especially during the daytime. In the evening, the baby also resists sleep for a long time, despite the fact that his body is tired and needs rest.

Increased muscle tone. In this regard, frequent and profuse vomiting after feeding is possible.

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