
In the West, hyperactivity in children is treated with amphetamine analogues. Why?

In the treatment of children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in the West, the drug “Ritalin” is actively used. In its pharmacological action and composition, it resembles amphetamine. This is a kind of doping that raises mood, increases self-confidence, attention, and, surprisingly, invigorates. Although, it would seem, why should a hyperactive child be even more cheerful, because it is already difficult for him to sit still. But this is where the scientific paradox lies, which I will discuss below! Ritalin helps patients in 75% of cases and in a relatively short period of time. But in Russia, this drug is prohibited, because equates to… Read More

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

From the author: For the first time, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was talked about at the beginning of the 20th century (more precisely, in 1902) in connection with the observation of hyperactive children in the psychiatric department of the hospital. A lot of material has been written and researched about childhood ADHD. The spread of symptoms to adults, or the isolation of the adult variant of ADHD, has been talked about recently, in the last 10 years. We will consider in more detail in the article.  Since the description of symptoms, the disorder has gone by various names before being referred to as ADHD. The… Read More

Autism and ADHD, hyperactivity with autism traits – how to understand, how to figure it out?

How do autism, ACh and ADHD go together, and do they go together? To understand this topic, you have to start from the very beginning. And more specifically, from the fact that in medicine, two approaches, syndromic and nosological, coexist and complement each other . A syndromic approach is one that allows you to describe a person’s condition using “sets” of signs (symptoms). For example: depressive syndrome, includes symptoms such as low mood, anhedonia, guilt, etc. or hallucinatory-delusional syndrome with an inherent sensation of “voices” and attempts to explain their appearance by the influence of “invisible spy beams” or “the action of extraterrestrial intelligence.” But a smart doctor who thinks nosologically (trying to get to the… Read More

Fairytale therapy of children’s problems. Hyperactivity

From the author: A fairy tale is truly magical power.       A hyperactive child is characterized by constant motor restlessness, problems with concentration, impulsivity, and “uncontrollable” behavior. Research shows that this syndrome occurs in about 20% of school-age children, with boys being four times more likely than girls. The “intolerance” and “uncontrollability” of these children causes a lot of trouble to those around them – teachers, educators, peers and parents. Many parents ask the question “what to do?” and feel helpless and guilty about their child’s behavior.     I work in a school, and hyperactive children constantly come to me to unload emotionally. They are very fond of working… Read More

Is it possible to reduce hyperactivity by changing the preference for red?

From the author: Hyperactivity disorder is most often a manifestation of MMD (minimal brain dysfunction). It manifests itself most clearly at 3-6 years old and requires serious complex treatment to cope with this problem by school age. Changing the color preference from red to blue through psychotherapy can help a child reduce hyperactivity.  Probably everyone knows about the role of the influence of color on mood and even on well-being through the influence of color on the nervous system.The “language” of flowers is international: it is not associated with either race or culture. Scientists have proven that even on animals, colors have the same effect… Read More

Hyperactivity, ADHD, MMD – how to help a child?

Here are some tips that will help not only children diagnosed with hyperactivity, attention deficit and ADHD , but also those who have certain difficulties with behavior, attention, memory, adherence to rules and requirements, difficulty in learning. Such simple and seemingly self-evident thoughts cause more protest and surprise in parents than following the most sophisticated diets and complex correctional programs. Let someone be indignant at the banality of the material below, but if a parent or teacher does not even accept this , then all other psychological calculations and “difficulties” simply do not make sense. 1. Do not get irritated or saturate the child with your irritation . The balance of… Read More

Restless sleep in a child

A child’s restless sleep negatively affects his not yet formed nervous system and makes parents anxious. If the baby constantly wakes up for several nights in a row and cannot fall asleep for a long time, it is necessary to determine the causes of the sleep disturbance. Causes of restless sleep in a child Teething The baby may sleep poorly due to the discomfort of teething. In this case, the gums swell, salivation increases, and the temperature may rise. Stomach ache Infants are often unable to sleep or wake up due to intestinal colic. Colds Sleep disturbance in children may be associated with a… Read More

Stress in children – how can you help your child? Stress Relief Products for Children

Stress is a natural physiological reaction that accompanies nervous tension from the first days of a person’s life. Babies are as susceptible to negative emotions as adults. A stressful state can be associated with the first independent steps, entering the first grade, puberty and much more. Not all children are stressed in the same situations and react in the same way to emotional stress. It is impossible to completely protect the child from all difficulties, however, it is in the power of the parents to teach the baby to properly react to troubles and cope with nervous tension. How stress manifests itself in children… Read More

Attention deficit in a child

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological- behavioral developmental disorder that is most pronounced in childhood. ADHD manifests itself in difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and poorly controlled impulsivity. Neurologists regard the disorder as a chronic and spontaneous syndrome, for which no single effective treatment has yet been found. ADHD is diagnosed only in late preschool or school age, since to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to assess the behavior of the baby in at least 2 conditions of the environment, for example, in the classroom and at home. In most cases, attention deficit disorder occurs in boys. Symptoms Each child with attention deficit disorder has a… Read More

Nervous tics in children: symptoms and treatment

In most cases, children can partially control or reproduce their own nervous tics. With normal intellectual development of the child, the disease is often accompanied by a decrease in memory, mental performance, anxiety and movement disorders. A nervous tic in a child is a rapid and involuntary monotonous muscle contraction As a rule, nervous tics are observed in children aged 2-17 years, the average age is 6-7 years. The incidence of the disease in childhood is 6-10%. In 96% of cases, a nervous tic occurs before the age of 11. The most common manifestation of the disease is blinking. At the age of 8-10, vocal… Read More