How can parents know if a child is hyperactive ?

All parents wish to see their child cheerful and healthy. And there is nothing strange if he is active, moves a lot and plays pranks. But it so happens that the baby’s behavior is alarming.

What should parents pay attention to?

It is difficult to figure out: is not everything in order with the child or is it ordinary mobility and a bright temperament? Better not to make independent decisions and not make a diagnosis. If you have problems with behavior, be sure to show your child to a specialist.

If it is difficult to understand what the child wants, there is no way to find an approach to him, then this is a reason to show him to the pediatrician and psychologist. Since it often happens that parents do not consider it necessary to delve into the problem, let the behavior take its course, then subsequently the child cannot lead a full life. He has difficulties in communicating with peers, social adaptation in kindergarten has serious problems, and these problems smoothly flow into adulthood.

How can parents know when they need special attention? A hyperactive child is not just noisy, he is inattentive, awkward and impulsive, and does not take comments well.


If we talk about the reasons in connection with which the problem arises, then the main one is a malfunction in the functioning of the central nervous system, while the brain cells are not able to fully process information. The child cannot concentrate, this affects the quality of studies, memory problems arise.  

The cells of the cerebral cortex actively form nerve impulses, the baby from an early age does not fall asleep well, makes tantrums and moves excessively.


There are a number of circumstances that can affect the onset of this disease:

  • if during pregnancy the mother suffered from an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • prolonged period of toxicosis;
  • inappropriate lifestyle of a pregnant woman;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • trauma to the baby.

If the parents have suspicions and the problem arose in infancy, then the specialist will determine it by the condition of the baby, this will help in the future to find the right approach to education.


Parents should pay attention to the following signs:

  • the child develops physically faster than his peers, but this is only an indirect sign;
  • constant moods and tantrums, shallow and restless sleep;
  • the influence of a non-standard situation on behavior: either fear or arousal;
  • great affection for the mother;
  • restlessness;
  • distraction, poor perception and poor concentration of attention;
  • delay in speech;
  • in case of inappropriate behavior, the child cannot explain the reason for his action.

Are Good Parents Strict Parents?

For each person, their child is the best, but some do not want to admit the problem and are too strict with their children, trying to teach the baby obedience according to their views on this issue.

Good parents will not determine on their own the cause of this behavior, but will turn to a specialist. Only an examination by a professional doctor will help establish a diagnosis. If you rely on your own impression of what a child should be like, then even a healthy baby can be disturbed. For good parents, this problem should not be a reason to increase punishment. Sometimes such children do not react to them, stubbornly repeat their actions without drawing conclusions. It is especially unacceptable to use medication without a doctor’s prescription.  

Examination by a pediatrician, neuropathologist, psychologist is vital for such children. Do not hope that over time everything will be fine and the child will become calmer. Only with a certain atmosphere in the family, subject to the recommendations of doctors, you can count on a positive result.

Tips for parents of a hyperactive child

The best way to minimize the impact of disturbances in the nervous system on the child’s behavior is to contact him and understand the problem. Parenting advice is not a complex tangle of psychological methods. The tasks voiced by an adult should be stated in a concise form, have specificity. So the kid will quickly understand what is required of him, he will be able to adjust his behavior to achieve the goal.

It is important to observe the daily routine, since the regularity and orderliness of actions helps to concentrate and remember the necessary information.

Communication should be calm, even if it seems that screaming and threats will help better convey information and demands to the child. On the contrary, in this way you can only aggravate the situation, and a benevolent attitude will quickly lead to the goal.

The environment in the family is a very important factor for the formation of behavior, it is worth listening to the advice of parents given by experts on this topic. Comfortable conditions in the family, exclusion of situations that allow the child to experience stress – these are important components for correcting behavior. An excellent option for such children is sports and high physical activity. It is better to find out what you like best and invite your child to attend a swimming or gymnastics section.

Everyone dreams of raising a child correctly, good parents will pay more attention to their child, thereby helping him to socialize, show an example of proper contact with people. Patience and love can correct any situation, caring for a child will be rewarded, he will become more obedient and less capricious.

Differences between hyperactive children and mobile peers

Healthy children also move and run a lot, but at the same time they can calm down on their own, after outdoor games, watch cartoons, for example. Sleep in such children is calm and during the night they do not wake up. They fall asleep quickly and sleep at the appropriate time for their age.  

Advice to parents: explain to your child as early as possible that there are dangerous things and situations. If the child is healthy, he will quickly understand how to behave, is afraid and there is no desire to climb into the wrong place. If a child has a hysteria and he certainly needs to get an object, it is easy to distract him by switching his attention to another object. If you suspect hyperactivity, remember what your parents were like at this age, since temperament and activity are partially inherited.  

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