Disaster kid: how to deal with hyperactivity in children?

Children cannot spend a minute in one place. Is it pampering or hyperactivity? According to research, almost 20% of children today suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Features of a child: what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

Having barely started one thing, the kid leaves him and takes on another. Pours toys out of the box, immediately runs to the kitchen, knocking over a plate of cookies as he runs. Embarrassed, he begins to clean up, but again throws it and runs into the room. As a result, the day turns into a senseless running around. Parents complain that the child constantly drops or breaks something. Well, just a disaster child. What to do about it?  

There is no consensus on the cause of ADHD. Some say that it is caused by a disturbance in the development of the brain as a result of intrauterine oxygen deprivation or birth trauma. Others argue that the syndrome appears due to changes in the production of the hormone dopamine, which, among other things, is responsible for motivation, as well as the ability to concentrate. Whatever the reasons for this behavior, parents of overly active children have a hard time. To the physically exhausting days in preschool age, difficult nights are quite capable of adding when the child goes to first grade.

Irrepressible energy, as well as the inability to concentrate one’s attention, is considered a great flaw in society, which is often punished through poor ratings. Such children are called ill-mannered or hooligans. Curiously, boys have this syndrome more often than girls. However, there is also positive news – usually in adolescence, these features of the child are a thing of the past. At the age of 13-14, children who were hyperactive in the past do not differ at all from their peers, and their academic performance also noticeably improves.  

But if by this time the child had already been convinced that with such behavior and restlessness he would not achieve anything in life, then the manifestations of the hyperkinetic syndrome can let him down. Children who believe that they are “bad and difficult” often go to the company of the bad and difficult, joining teenage groups. And there, by the way, their courage, unpredictability, intolerance to instructions and punishments turn out to be.

To prevent this from happening and the development of the child goes in the right direction, the family and friends of the baby should think about this much earlier.

Mental test: how to diagnose ADHD in children?

What is the difference between a simply mobile child and a hyperactive child? There is a mental test that doctors use to determine ADHD in children. If there are more than six signs of inattention, as well as more than six signs of hyperactivity, as well as impulsivity, it makes sense to consult a specialist – a neurologist and a child psychologist. 

Signs of child carelessness:

  • the child does not attach importance to details, therefore, makes mistakes in the process of completing the task;
  • unable to concentrate his attention, distracted by extraneous things;
  • the feeling is created that he does not hear what he is told;
  • cannot complete the started business, and the reason for this is not a protest or misunderstanding of the task;
  • faces difficulties in planning independent activities;
  • tries to evade tasks that require a lot of time;
  • has a habit of often losing his belongings;
  • easily distracted by external stimuli;
  • is distinguished by regular forgetfulness.

Signs of childhood hyperactivity:

  • turns around, shows anxiety;
  • unable to stay in one place for a long time, jumps up in class;
  • often demonstrates the habits of aimless physical activity – runs, jumps, climbs where it is impossible;
  • he cannot do business quietly and calmly;
  • is always in an agitated state;
  • overly chatty, sometimes it is not possible to silence him.

Signs of impulsivity:

  • in a large number of cases answers the question posed without considering the answer, and sometimes without hearing it out;
  • it is difficult for him to patiently wait for his turn;
  • does not give the opportunity to talk to other people, constantly interrupts interlocutors.

Child development: recommendations for parents

To ensure the normal physical and psychological development of the child, you need to adhere to the recommendations of a psychologist:

  • Don’t try to hold back your own feelings. If anger or irritation appears, you should tell the child about this, maybe even shout. And if the kid has managed to bring joy to adults, you need to truly rejoice and praise him, not limited to the usual phrase: “this would always be the case.”
  • Evaluate the actions, not the characteristics of the child. An overactive baby already has an abundance of remarks, criticism and instructions. You can simply say, “I don’t like it when you don’t put your things away. This spoils my mood. ” But in no case should you say: “You can not expect anything good from me, because you are a slob.”
  • Give the child the opportunity to satisfy his need for movement. To do this, you can install a sports corner at home so that he can climb the Swedish wall whenever he wants to, hang on sports rings, ride a swing.
  • You need to allow the kid to run on the court or ride down the slides as much as he wants. It makes sense to enroll him in one of the sports sections.
  • Children are not able to foresee the future, they do not know how to plan their actions. Therefore, adults should help them not only plan, but also assess the consequences of their actions. For example, a child needs to be explained why it is impossible to do one way or another.
  • Under no circumstances should you participate in a public discussion of your children’s behavior. Parents are the only and reliable protection for the child. He must know that there are people who love and support him.
  • Talk more often to the baby about your feelings, explain the moral essence of the situation in which he sometimes finds himself. Children are superficial in their own emotionality and cannot always understand what caused the adults to be displeased.
  • Contact a child psychologist. He will be able to tell you what the characteristics of the child are, as well as what difficulties parents will have to deal with. He will advise on what to do and what not. For example, psychologists believe that the words “be careful” and “don’t get distracted” will not do any good. And attempts to seat a hyperactive child for a long time are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Adjust nutrition. Some experts argue that a large number of children with ADHD are magnesium deficient. Moreover, in the autumn, winter and spring months, this deficit is felt most of all. Therefore, it is advisable to include the following foods in the children’s menu: green vegetables, cereals, cereals and foods containing vitamin B1, which contributes to better absorption of magnesium. Vitamin B1 is found in bananas, baked potatoes, buckwheat, brown rice. 

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