Category: Uncategorized

The most controversial chocolate myths

Is chocolate good or bad? There is no single answer to this question. Maybe because we are constantly looking for the answer not where it really is hiding. And if you do not disassemble chocolate into components, but study its effect on the body as a whole, it turns out that the properties of this delicacy are much more diverse than it seems. On International Chocolate Day, MedAboutMe finds out which myths are not really myths, and why. The high cholesterol myth There are two polar opinions about how chocolate affects cholesterol. Some argue that it increases, others that it decreases. Both sides are right to some extent. Indeed, chocolate contains… Read More

How realistic is the diagnosis of ADHD?

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders – “Fashion Concepts” in Neurology or Are They Serious Factors That Hinder the Child’s Adaptation? And the main question is how to treat this condition correctly? Or maybe not to heal, “it will pass by itself” and the child will “outgrow”? Let’s figure it out together with pediatric neurologists! Is there an objective diagnosis of ADHD? Unlike many imprecise neurological formulations (which are often included in the diagnosis only because you need to fill in the Diagnosis line) like “minimal brain dysfunction”, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a completely objective pathology that makes it difficult for the child to adapt and… Read More

Hyperactive children: signs and advice for parents

Almost everyone in their life has come across children who are literally unable to sit still. They are constantly in motion – they run, jump, change from place to place, look for something in their mother’s bag, climb on shelves and racks in stores. Even if parents manage to put such a baby, for example, on a seat in public transport, he still does not stop in his chaotic movement. He will swing his legs, turn his head, ask something loudly from his mother, crawl on the seat, jump from it and sit down again, perhaps even sing, dance or tell poems. A… Read More

Genetics vs. parenting: experts debate ADHD and heredity

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is becoming more common in children. Moreover, there are two problems: scientists say that in many cases this disorder is not diagnosed, and there are still cases when parents (or others) are sure that the child is sick in the absence of ADHD or, conversely, is simply poorly brought up. Can parenting cause ADHD? Experts are cautious about the fact that the true causes of the syndrome are not as simple as they seem. Let’s figure it out together! First, remember how ADHD manifests itself ADHD is one of the most common developmental disorders diagnosed in children today. These neurodevelopmental… Read More

ADHD in Toddlers: When and How to Spot Problems?

Typically, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not diagnosed until school age or, less commonly, older preschool age. But children with ADHD before the age of 4 are already different from other babies. What are the signs of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder at an early age?   ADHD or childhood impulsivity? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is one of the most common childhood disorders today. Symptoms include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, but their manifestations vary in severity.  ADHD can occur in both children and adults, but symptoms always begin in childhood. Children may have difficulty sitting quietly, following adult directions, and completing assignments at… Read More

Teeth enamel in children and ADHD: is there a connection

The state of the oral cavity can be considered as an indicator of general health – symptoms are simultaneously predisposing factors for the development of diseases. Until recently, the state of the teeth of children and adults was not given sufficient attention as a diagnostic factor. Recent studies have shown that in children with thinner enamel and anomalies of its development, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is most often recorded. When parents need to pick up the phone and make an appointment with a doctor, and what data were obtained during the research . Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder According to some reports, ADHD is… Read More

How to teach active children concentration and perseverance?

From the first days of life, children have a certain temperament, while they absorb information from the surrounding society and form their own model of behavior. The development of the child, its efficiency and speed, directly depends on the parents, but the individual characteristics of the child are also important . The ability to concentrate and be attentive is essential to a proper learning process. Some children, having a calm temperament, learn with ease, while for others it is a real torment.  Energetic and restless children find it difficult to sit through a whole lesson, concentrating on the necessary topic. But this does not mean that it… Read More

ADHD in girls: why isn’t it noticed?

There are many myths around attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the diagnosis is “Western”, not ours, and ADHD is just a cover for the child’s bad manners. There is also a trend to refer to all attacks of disobedience and self-will as symptoms of ADHD, with which it is “useless to fight.” Doctors successfully refute all these opinions. For example, in Russia, ADHD in primary school is diagnosed in almost every third person, although often in an erased form. But it is there, and it can be corrected. But what even many specialists do not know about: there are much more children with such a… Read More

ADHD is not a hindrance to learning: 12 life hacks for children and parents

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) causes problems with the ability to keep track of time and stay organized. If your child has ADHD, it may not be their fault that they spend hours doing homework and end up losing their entire notebook. But do not give up hope: parents may well help their children to overcome this stage without doing all the work for them and not controlling every step. Teaching a child to self-organize, we teach him skills that will be useful not only in school, but will be used throughout his life. How? Check what you haven’t already done (spoiler alert: these tips work with… Read More

Sugar, tantrums and hyperactivity: a sweet myth that’s 100 years old

Perhaps children love sweets as much as most parents fear childish tantrums. Although there are those who do not see anything wrong with sugar, many limit it. And not so much because of caries or fear of diabetes: it is believed that sugar is the cause of overexcitation and children’s tantrums.    This theory not only excites parents and makes sweets off the table – it is even considered as the cause of hyperactivity disorder in children. And in vain. We will tell you where this “sweet myth” came from, and how experts have already refuted it. Sugar and the “neurotic child”: where did the myth come… Read More