Category: Uncategorized

Children with ADHD: Care Guidelines

Raising children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with several problems and characteristics. Children with this diagnosis have complex and sometimes inappropriate behavior. Parents should understand that for harmonious learning and development, such children need special care, an approach to teaching, which ultimately will give pronounced positive results. Tips for Parents When making such a diagnosis, the main task of parents and professionals is to help children reduce disruptive behavior and cope with the problems that accompany or are a consequence of ADHD. Experts have developed some fundamental tips for caring for diagnosed children to help them cope with their own… Read More

“I will lie down, it will pass”: diseases with an underestimated danger

In modern society, it is somehow not accepted to run to the doctor for any ailment. The frantic pace of life requires to remain in the ranks to the last, therefore it often happens that a person asks for help in the most extreme case when the course of the disease is neglected . Some of them are not taken seriously by people, but in the future, such an attitude towards their health can result in the most dire consequences.  Helminthic invasion is a disease that everyone is at risk of contracting Adults often underestimate the risks of infection with helminthic invasion, naively believing that… Read More

Fathers smoking leads to ADHD in their grandchildren

Scientists at Florida State University found that children were more likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) if their grandfather smoked.   In experiments on mice, scientists gave males drinking water with small doses of nicotine and analyzed their semen. Then these “smoking” mice were mated with “non-smoking” females. The offspring were generally normal, but the children of “smoking” males showed behavioral disorders – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cognitive rigidity (that is, rigidity, inertia of thinking, difficulty in switching from one concept to another). During the experiment, mice from this offspring mated and gave birth to offspring (grandchildren of “smoking” males), which also showed cognitive rigidity… Read More

When does a child need a neuropsychologist?

Neuropsychology is one of the most popular areas at present in the work with children. When does a child need the help of a neuropsychologist? How does a specialist work with children? What methods of neuropsychology have proven to be the most effective? Child’s psyche and neuropsychology Child neuropsychology is also one of the branches of clinical psychology, which deals with the study of cerebral features and their connection with child behavior. Experts have proven that the child’s psyche and its processes are closely related to the features of the child’s cognitive system – memory, imagination, attention, thinking, speech, perception, emotions. Neuropsychologists study a child’s… Read More

ADHD in children: 13 signs common in girls

Today, about 5% of children are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, that is, every 20th child in the world. At the same time, scientists speak of a very high probability that this figure is underestimated. Insufficient surveys in developing countries, the usual labels of “hooligans”, “mischievous” and sometimes hereditary “Cs” (the likelihood of developing ADHD can be inherited), in which no one takes the child to a specialist, lead to an underestimation of statistics. However, there is one more factor that influences the diagnosis – the sex of the child. MedAboutMe talks about the differences in ADHD in girls and boys.  Child gender and attention deficit… Read More

Neurological diagnoses of young children and parental fears

After the birth of a baby, parents have a lot of trouble, and inexperienced mothers and fathers are worried about the appearance in the child’s card of various diagnoses, consisting of abbreviations, mysterious and frightening. Children are still very tiny, and any deviations in their state of health, especially if it is the brain, can further result in serious developmental disorders of the baby – physical or mental. But are diagnoses and terrible letters in the card so dangerous? Parenting experiences: real and contrived Parents are especially concerned about diagnoses concerning the state of the child’s brain and nervous system, exposed almost… Read More

Breathing problems in children and behavior problems

Researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA, conducted a study that showed that children with breathing problems during sleep were at higher risks for future behavioral problems, such as the development of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. Scientists noted that it is possible to identify breathing problems during sleep in the smallest – children under 2-3 years old. MedAboutMe will tell you more about the research results . Breathing disorder during sleep as a term Breathing disorders during sleep in children and adults is a general term that combines various breathing difficulties and disturbances that affect a person. These include snoring, which is associated with the predominance of the oral… Read More

How can parents know if a child is hyperactive ?

All parents wish to see their child cheerful and healthy. And there is nothing strange if he is active, moves a lot and plays pranks. But it so happens that the baby’s behavior is alarming. What should parents pay attention to? It is difficult to figure out: is not everything in order with the child or is it ordinary mobility and a bright temperament? Better not to make independent decisions and not make a diagnosis. If you have problems with behavior, be sure to show your child to a specialist. If it is difficult to understand what the child wants, there is no way… Read More

Top 5 sugar myths: debunking popular fears

Today, March 19, we celebrate the birthday of Sir Walter Houros , who discovered the well-known ascorbic acid and became the author of the first extensive work on carbohydrates. In his book “The Structure of Sugars,” he postulated a circular form of carbohydrates – the so-called perspective images of Houros of glucose, starch, cellulose are well known to all of us from school chemistry textbooks. Houros received the Nobel Prize for his research in these areas in 1937. Carbohydrates, despite the fact that today even children know about them , for the majority of the population remain a kind of mysterious substance, from which food becomes tasty, and people immediately get fat.  Myth… Read More

Foods to Avoid in ADHD

For years, doctors have speculated that certain foods may be associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But, according to global research, food on its own may not cause ADHD, but some of it can worsen symptoms or induce behavior in a child that mimics the signs of ADHD. Features of the diet of a child with ADHD Several studies suggest that children with ADHD may have low levels of essential fatty acids. Therefore, adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet of a child with ADHD can improve their behavior. These acids interfere with the transmission of certain neurotransmitters . While the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 is beneficial for the… Read More