ADD, or what is attention deficit disorder

Attention deficit disorder is a psychological disease. It occurs in childhood, but cases of manifestation of the syndrome in adults are not excluded. Although the name of the disease makes you smile, the consequences of developing ADD are dire.

Etiology of attention deficit disorder

ADD is a disease that affects the social sphere of a person’s life and does not allow normal realization. Depending on the symptomatic picture and the nature of the manifestation, the syndrome is divided into several types:

  1. Hyperactivity
  2. Impulsiveness
  3. Mixed type

The causes of the syndrome are heredity and pathological influence.

A pathological effect on the functioning of the central nervous system is exerted by a complication during childbirth, a difficult pregnancy with a threat of miscarriage, and alcohol consumption while carrying a child. The risk of developing ADD is higher in babies born prematurely.

In adults, ADD can be caused by taking large amounts of artificial hormones and dietary supplements.

The risk group also includes children whose mothers suffered infectious diseases during pregnancy, suffer from chronic diseases, and live in a poor ecological zone.

The main cause of attention deficit disorder, which has been proven by medical science, is heredity, and we can talk about the presence of this syndrome several generations ago.

If you suspect you or your child have ADD, you should immediately find a good clinic and specialist.

ADD symptoms

The symptomatic picture of the disease is pronounced in childhood:

  • Concentration disorder
  • Attention disorder
  • Ignoring treatment
  • Lack of ability to plan time
  • Distraction
  • Forgetfulness

Symptoms of impulsivity:

  • Answers to unsaid question (answers are wrong)
  • Unwillingness to follow instructions
  • Any undertaking is never completed
  • Constant interruptions of peers and adults

Symptoms of hyperactivity:

  • Restlessness
  • Constant limb movements
  • Fussiness
  • Irascibility

Children with attention deficit disorder behave like vandals – they break other people’s and their toys, they can hit not only their peers, but also children much older than themselves.

Total restlessness, unwillingness to complete any undertaking, fussiness, lack of concentration and attention leads to problems in study.

Symptoms of the syndrome in adults

The symptoms of the disease in children and adults have distinctive features. While it is very easy to identify ADD in children, it is enough to observe the child’s behavior a little, then in adults everything is much more complicated. It is very difficult to understand that a person has ADD. Adults behave very calmly, perform all actions slowly and with great reluctance, have difficulties with work that requires mental activity. The isolation of such people leads to the fact that they begin to seek consolation in addictions – alcohol, narcotic substances, psychotropic drugs. This state of affairs only aggravates the manifestation of the syndrome, which leads to a complete degradation of the personality.

Diagnostics and treatment

The conclusion about the presence of ADD is made on the basis of observations of the child’s behavior and examination by a neurologist. 

Complex treatment of the disease – psychotherapy, neuropsychological correction. Medication for ADD consists in taking nootropic drugs and substances that stimulate the central nervous system.

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