Restless sleep in a child

A child’s restless sleep negatively affects his not yet formed nervous system and makes parents anxious. If the baby constantly wakes up for several nights in a row and cannot fall asleep for a long time, it is necessary to determine the causes of the sleep disturbance.

Causes of restless sleep in a child


The baby may sleep poorly due to the discomfort of teething. In this case, the gums swell, salivation increases, and the temperature may rise.

Stomach ache

Infants are often unable to sleep or wake up due to intestinal colic.


Sleep disturbance in children may be associated with a deterioration in general well-being with colds or viral diseases. Signs of illness are fever, decreased appetite, incessant crying. 


Children can often wake up due to ear pain caused by otitis media. You may notice that the baby jerks away or jerks his head away when pressing on the tragus of the ear.

Congenital lesions of the central nervous system

The child may suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders due to cerebrovascular accidents, encephalopathy, etc.

Neuroses and stress

Restless sleep is observed in children after experiencing stress. The cause of overexcitation of the nervous system can be any changes in life: the termination of breastfeeding, moving to another room, in older babies – conflicts with loved ones or in the children’s team.

Ways to normalize sleep

Maintaining a comfortable microclimate

Ventilate the room where your child sleeps every day before bed. The optimum air temperature is from +19 to +21 ° С, humidity is from 45 to 60%. An air conditioner and a humidifier can be used to create a comfortable environment. It is necessary to do wet cleaning in the room as often as possible and remove dust from carpets, furniture and soft toys.

Creating bedtime rituals

Accompany bedtime with a specific ritual, for example, bathing in a warm bath with toys, light massage in the crib, reading fairy tales. When choosing books that you will read to your child before bedtime, keep in mind that they should not contain frightening moments, aggressive characters.

Compliance with the regime

Maintain a clear schedule throughout the day: sleep, play, walks and meals should be done at the same hours. If your child does not sleep well and does not sleep much at night, shorten the amount of naps. For active games and developmental activities, it is necessary to take the first half of the day, while in the evening the child can be engaged in creativity, reading. The last meal should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

To normalize sleep, it is also recommended to use the proven drug Tenoten Children’s, which will save the child from increased excitability. If simple ways to correct sleep disorders have not helped your child, be sure to consult with a pediatrician and neurologist.

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